April 23, 2009

Team Obama - A Multi-Generational Machine

Fast Company Magazine recently named Team Obama the #1 Most Innovative Company in the world, ousting Google from the post and beating Apple, Intel and Facebook to poll position.


The degree to which Obama has inspired and engaged millions of people across multiple generations all over the world has been stunning to watch and be part of.

A "Baby Boomer" by redundant single-generational definition, Obama, along with his campaign team, made history by thinking and acting differently.

The world watched in awe as multiple Multi-Generational Mindsets were embraced ... from old-school door knocking and phone calling to new-world social networking and SMS sending, Obama broke new ground as the momentum towards Capitol Hill grew ... and grew ... and grew.

To learn from the mindsets behind this historic movement is the real opportunity.

Singular-generational thinking and action is dead. The new world is being influenced by the Multi-Generational Mindsets shaping the future of this planet.


April 22, 2009

A 'Million' Multi-Generational Mindets?

Stealing the best mindsets of different generations provides opportunity for enormous impact on life, business and community in very new ways.

The 'Million' program in New York City is testimate to the Multi-Generational Mindsets of:

  • Personalisation
  • Collaboration
  • Customisation
  • Simplification
  • Integration
  • Connection

How they have been applied to make this awesome project a success? Check it out:



Josh Mackenzie